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Writer's pictureKeel Digital

How do you market your business in Corona time?

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

First, what do you think of google doodles in those days?

First, Let’s know what’s Google Doodle

Simply every day, as you come to open the Google site to search for any inquiry, if today is Mother’s Day, you open Google, you will see a mother, and state that today is Mother’s Day, to remind us with the occasion, that’s Google Doodle.

If you focus a little, you will find that Google, those days, links the events that happen all over the world and of course it’ COVID-19 with Doodle.

Indeed,Google started on April 6, giving each day a message of thanks to all groups of society who help in overcoming the crisis, for example. Thank you message to doctors,nurses, Police and others.

This was a very smart idea from Google.

Why is it smart?

Why does Google do this?

If you are a business owner and want to know how to keep smart like Google and market for your brand in a good way, even though we are in a difficult period like this, Keel Digital will let you know.

You know that 99% of people are online now because of lockdown and they are all at home, we will still take advantage of this point and we start communicating with customers through posts, to tell customers that we are here and that our business is available, this could happen by publishing posts, but not any kind of posts, there are 5 basic and very important techniques.

1- hashtags:

The hashtags will be the reason for the brand's fame in the post. The hashtags that have something to do with Corona, for example:

2- Questions:

It is the best way to make your followers and customers interact with you and your post

Ask them questions related to the virus, but positive and optimistic questions, such as, for example:

What is the first thing you will do when the virus ends and we return to our normal life again? Or What are the useful things that you do while you are at home? And other positive questions.

3️- useful information:

Share with them useful information about the virus, for example, methods of prevention from it, how to protect themselves and those who around them.

4️- Thanks:

So, like Google, use doodles for this mission, you also try to publish thank you messages for each person trying to help in overcoming this crisis.

5️- Memes and comics

This is always the most memorable and the shortest technique, it is fun posting, so you get your customer out of the bad mood, but without offend anyone

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